Implanon NXT
The implanon NXT is also called the contraceptive rod. It is a rod that can be compared to a match: about 4cm long and 2mm wide. The rod is placed in the upper arm just under the skin. You cannot see the rod, but you can feel it. The rod then continuously delivers a small dose of hormones and remains effective and in place for 3 years.
Of course, you can have the rod removed earlier if desired.
Contraceptive rod
For women under 21 years of age, contraception is reimbursed from basic insurance. For women over 21 years of age, this reimbursement does not apply. If you have supplementary insurance, your insurance may cover (part of) the costs. Please note that this may have to be paid from your deductible. Contact your insurance company for more information about a possible deductible, the amount of the reimbursement and your own risk contribution. If you are not insured, you pay for the contraception yourself.
Purchasing the contraceptive rod can be done in two ways. You can get a prescription from us and submit it yourself to your pharmacy. They will then submit the bill for the coil directly to your health insurance company if you are entitled to reimbursement.
We can also order it for you and have it delivered to our practice. For this you will receive an invoice by mail that you must pay before the placement. You can then submit this invoice to your health insurance company.
As with the hormone coil, the implanon contains one hormone: progestogen. This hormone inhibits ovulation, makes the endometrium difficult for sperm to penetrate and prevents a fertilized egg from nesting in the endometrium.
A trained obstetrician or doctor will need to place the implanon for you. The first step is to numb the skin so you won't feel anything from the placement. Next, the implanon is placed between the upper arm muscles, just under the skin.
Because the rod is in your arm, there is no stopping week and therefore cannot affect your period. Because of the rod, your period may change and in some cases stay away altogether.
Like the hormonal coil, the implanon is one of the most reliable contraceptive methods.
You may also use the implanon while breastfeeding. This means that if you have just given birth, you may have the implanon placed about 4 weeks after giving birth. If the implanon is placed during menstruation, it is immediately safe. If you place it outside of menstruation, additional contraception is still needed for the first 7 days.
- Very reliable
- Keeps working for 3 years, you don't have to think about it anymore
- Low dose of hormones compared to the combined pill
- To be combined with breastfeeding
- Must be placed by an obstetrician/physician
- Your period may change or stay away altogether
- You may experience spotting: irregular and unpredictable bleeding
- It does not protect against STDs
The cost of the implanon is €129.60.
The placement/removal of an implanon is (partially) covered by your basic health insurance by most insurance companies. If your insurance does not cover the full amount or you are not insured, you will have to pay the remaining amount yourself. You will receive an invoice from us.
After the implanon is placed, a telephone follow-up checkup will take place after 12 weeks.